On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:54:03 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
It is possible, you just need to match compilers with the library in C++, whereas C libraries don't need such an exact match.

With your Qt library, you get a build of it that is compatible with the compiler you use to build your application (either compiling it yourself or getting it from an OS package repo where they did it for you for your OS version)

Ah, so the Qt libraries are C++ libraries. And they have to be compiled with the same compiler (or at least with a compiler with the same specification) I use for my application? I didn't know that, but it makes sense to me.

But if there would be 2 C++ compilers on my linux system which create 2 different API's, I would need the Qt library twice on my system? One for an application compiled with the one compiler, and the other library for an application compiled with the other compiler. Since I have only 1 Qt library on my system, all linux compilers must create compatible API's, right?

Wrap the C functions inside D classes. So they write D code that calls the C functions, then you use their D code.

Ok, this is the same what cym13 wanted to say, right? So you can use the advantages of D?

But I don't get, why I have a gtkd-3 lib. Why can't I just link against the gtk-3 lib then? I have now the headers to use the nice D stuff, but the linking should be done against the C-compiled library.

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