On Monday, October 03, 2016 17:19:47 Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> But there still is one thing, which I don't get:
> If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside.
> So there is no need for an extra library. Same should be for
> wrapfoo.d. If I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the
> C-library "foo", and no D-library "food" right?

The import statement just tells the D compiler to pull in declarations for
the symbols that it needs from those modules. It doesn't actually compile
those modules. You still have to give them to the compiler (either all
together or separately to generate .o/.obj files) in order to actually
compile them. And anything that's not D (like a C/C++ library) still needs
to be linked in just like it would be in C/C++.

In C/C++, #including is not enough to compile everything into your code
unless everything is in the header files (which it rarely is). For the files
in your project, you have to compile every .c/.cpp file to generate the .o
or .obj files that the linker then links into your program, and for the 3rd
party stuff that's in a library you need to link in the library. Simply
#including doesn't actually bring something like curl or gtk into your
program. You also have to link it when generating your executable.

It's basically the same thing with D. Every .d file in your project needs to
be compiled so that it gets linked into your executable, and if you want to
use 3rd party stuff, you have to link in the libraries just like you would
with C/C++. The separation is perhaps a bit less clear in D, because you
usually just use .d files for everything, whereas C/C++ have .h and .c/.cpp
as separate files. D does have .di files for the cases where you need to
hide your code, but they don't get used often. But when you do use a .di
file, that's what gets imported rather than the .d file which contains the
actual definitions, so in that case, the separation is clearer.

- Jonathan M Davis

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