On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 12:08:54 UTC, Chalix wrote:

Furthermore, if there is an not very popular C library, where no wrapper function exists, would it possible to include it into a D project? Probably I have to transform all the .h to .d files, so i can "import" them instead of "include" them. But then, could I link against the C-library?

Yes, but here you're talking about a binding, not a wrapper.

I did not understand the concept of interaction between C and D, and I am a bit confused about wrapper functions and bindings for D now... Would be great if someone could make it a bit more clear to me :)

A binding is just the C function declared in D:

// foo.h
extern void my_func(const char *str);

// foo.d
extern(C) void my_func(const(char)* str) @nogc nothrow;

Now with the declaration in D, you can link directly to the C library. But you also need foo.d to be linked into your program, either by compiling it alongside your own source files or linking it as a library (as you do with gtkd-3.lib).

A wrapper takes a C interface and makes it more D like.

// wrapfoo.d
import foo;  // import the foo module from above

void myFunc(string s)
    import std.string : toStringz;

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