On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 15:11:46 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:
On 03-08-17 05:00, Johnson Jones wrote:
On Wednesday, 2 August 2017 at 14:51:45 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:
On 02-08-17 08:04, Johnson Jones wrote:
Ok, Using msys I was able to get glade 3.20 running. Maybe that will fix everything.

Great, unfortunately "Use msys2" seems to be the official way to install anything GTK related on windows.

... Also, I cannot seem to load a jpg using an imageview

(test.exe:1628): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not load image 'a.jpg': Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 'a.jpg'

Just a normal jpg. Tried a bmp, same thing. It shows fine in glade itself.

It looks like the pixbuf loaders are missing from the installer.

Ok, so, I linked the gtk to the msys gtk that I installed before when trying to get glade to work and it worked!

seems that msys is much more up to date than anything else as it just works(I need to remember than in the future).

The problem I see is this:

When I get ready to release my app to the public, I can't expect them to all have to install msys and build.

msys seems to clump everything together and I don't know what files I need to extract to be able to bundle everything together.

Any ideas how to solve that problem? At least now I can move ahead and actually make some progress on my app.

Would still be nice to get the x86 vs x64 issue resolved so I don't have to keep switching between the two for testing purposes. Since Visual D was just patched to handle x64 BP's I guess I can stay with that for now.

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