import std.stdio, std.typecons, std.math;
void main()
    auto foo = nullable(2.0);
    auto bar = nullable(2.0);

    assert (foo.approxEqual(bar));
Comiling gives the following:
Up to      2.067.1: Failure with output:
onlineapp.d(4): Error: undefined identifier nullable, did you mean struct Nullable(T)? onlineapp.d(5): Error: undefined identifier nullable, did you mean struct Nullable(T)?

2.068.2 to 2.072.2: Failure with output:
onlineapp.d(4): Error: undefined identifier 'nullable', did you mean struct 'Nullable(T)'? onlineapp.d(5): Error: undefined identifier 'nullable', did you mean struct 'Nullable(T)'?

2.073.2 to 2.077.1: Success and no output
Since      2.078.1: Failure with output:
/path/to/dmd.linux/dmd2/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/math.d(7575): Error: template std.math.approxEqual cannot deduce function from argument types !()(Nullable!double, Nullable!double, double, double), candidates are: /path/to/dmd.linux/dmd2/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/math.d(7499): std.math.approxEqual(T, U, V)(T lhs, U rhs, V maxRelDiff, V maxAbsDiff = 1e-05) if ((isNumeric!T || isInputRange!T && isNumeric!(ElementType!T)) && (isNumeric!U || isInputRange!U && isNumeric!(ElementType!U)) && isNumeric!V) /path/to/dmd.linux/dmd2/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/math.d(7573): std.math.approxEqual(T, U)(T lhs, U rhs) onlineapp.d(7): Error: template instance std.math.approxEqual!(Nullable!double, Nullable!double) error instantiating
tldr - std.math.approxEqual stops deduced its args type when Nullable is used.

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