On 10/13/18 3:48 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2018-10-12 21:40, Codifies wrote:
a while ago I wrote a doubly linked list (in C), which has a compare callback to allow custom sorting for example

int cmpNodes(cnode_t* n1, cnode_t* n2)
   mapNode_t* rn1 = (mapNode_t*)(n1->data);
   mapNode_t* rn2 = (mapNode_t*)(n2->data);
   if (rn1->G + rn1->H > rn2->G + rn2->H) return 1;
   return 0;

would be called by

clistSort(openList, cmpNodes);

The list would then be ordered by G + H fields (or any other algorithm you code)

I notice there is a doubly linked list in the standard library, however it doesn't seem to allow for a custom compare, I'd rather not port my old C list code, can someone please give me some clues as to how I can reorder a list with a custom comparison...?

I don't think you can sort a list because sorting requires random access, which a list doesn't provide. Is there a reason you cannot use an array?

You can't quick-sort a list. You can merge sort it, and it's O(nlgn).

I'll work on getting a sort routine into Phobos for it, but I don't know what the appropriate location for it is, as a member or along-side std.algorithm.sort.


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