"John Reimer" <terminal.n...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Hello Nick,
>> But, of course, adjectives (just like "direct/indirect objects") are
>> themselves nouns.
> Umm... May I make a little correction here?
> Adjectives are not nouns.  They are used to /describe/ nouns.
> -JJR

Maybe there's examples I'm not thinking of, and I'm certainly no natural 
language expert, but consider these:

"red ball"

By themselves, "red" and "ball" are both nouns. Stick the noun "red" in 
front of ball and "red" becomes an adjectve. (FWIW, 
"dictionary.reference.com" lists "red" as both a noun and an adjective). The 
only adjectives I can think of at the moment (in my admittedly quite tired 
state) are words that are ordinarly nouns on their own.  I would think that 
the distinguishing charactaristic of an adjective vs noun would be the 
context in which it's used.

Maybe I am mixed up though, it's not really an area of expertise for me. 

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