
It's just an idea. After reading about issues on disallowing DWT to stay in standardization area (Anomaly on Wiki4D GuiLibraries page) some question appeared in my mind. For propaganda sake isn't it better to not make such a big division between phobos and tango in the module naming? Logically:

phobos -> std
tango  -> stdex (not tango -> tango)

Module naming example:
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

import stdex.io.Stdout;
import stdex.text.Util;

Doesn't it look fine? (Also note that alphabetical order is preserved).

After all tango is a standard library. Currently from incomer/observer point of view tango could be seen as an rebel initiative. But thanks to druntime phobos and tango can live in harmony and take advantage of each other.
Another good thing is that one could write in his project documentation:
Extended Standard Library (Tango) needed
instead of
Tango library needed.

In addition some information could be added on the digitalmars.com website.


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