On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 4:35 AM, IUnknown <a...@b.com> wrote:
> To D gods,
> Having to learn and choose between two libraries is a big -ve point in 
> adopting D. Many people would also like to use D on ARM if possible in the 
> future so dividing the library into two parts would help as then only the 
> core lib can be linked in.
> Really, D's community needs to grow up and create ONE standard library for 
> D2. D2 would be a nice time to break backwards compatibility in the libraries.
>  A language needs large scale adoption to be successful and its 
> implementations must be delivered in a ready to use manner. Many people find 
> D interesting but not sufficiently interesting to switch away from the pain 
> of C++.
> If D also has other pain points, how do you think it will get adopted?
> dmd seems lacking on floating point optimization. Not many platforms are 
> supported. While platform support is an understandable problem and is 
> something that happens over time. Having two competing libraries is simply 
> either egoistic or retarded from an outsider's perspective.
> Programmers simply don't seem to want to do the necessary work to make the 
> software appealing to use. Many people want to use a powerful editor like 
> vim, but then find that all the standard features they find in other editors 
> are extensions in vim and the simple act of finding the right scripts even 
> from vim's homepage is a deterrent.
> Please, the worst thing you can do in deterring a person from trying out 
> something new is in giving him options with no clear way to choose. Can't you 
> learn this from python? Of often having one way to accomplish something? 
> Merge the libs, pretty pretty please.

Preach it brutha'.

It is ridiculous for a niche language to allow a split like this to
happen.  Fortunately, things are moving to repair the schism at last
in D2.

And finally if you don't like to choose, then there is Tangobos, which
lets you use either Tango or Phobos as you please.  It's my preferred
platform because generally I like Phobo's minimal style, but Tango
just has a lot more stuff in it for those odd occasions when I do need
something beyond what Phobos has.


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