On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 19:28:46 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> That example has nothing to do with || being allowed, and nothing to do
>> with your exhibit B.  Your simple example makes sense to split into
>> multiple files, but you simply waved your magic "split into multiple
>> files" wand at Hans' code and because of the simplicity of D's
>> versioning system, it's more maintainable?  I find it hard to believe
>> without proof.
> I cannot prove to you in any mathematical sort of way. All I can say is
> that I have a lot of experience doing things both ways, and what the
> results are. I can readily believe that it isn't obvious until one has
> done it both ways; programming is full of examples of such. Such as:
> #define BEGIN {
> #define END }
> I can't prove that's a bad idea, either. But experience shows it is <g>.

It's bad.  I agree with you.  I also have bad experiences with the 
preprocessor, one of the reasons I looked for something like D in the 
first place, and one of the reasons I'm leary of macros.  I'm not asking 
for the C preprocessor.  I'm asking for a bit of syntax sugar to avoid 
unmaintainable tables of expanded if statements.  What I mean by expanded 
if statements is that you are making me expand:

if(a || b)


bool aorb = false;
  aorb = true;
  aorb = true;

Let's take a trip to analogy land.  It's like you are saying you have 
been bit by a tiger in the past.  Therefore, you dislike all animals, 
because they remind you of tigers, and who could blame you.  But because 
of your position of power, you have passed a law that *nobody* can like 
animals, for their own good.  Why not just avoid animals on your own, and 
let others have their tame animals?

>> Besides, your example exists *without* any new features to the
>> versioning system.  That is, your example just shows how it's easier to
>> maintain if you put the version identifier at the outermost layer,
>> instead of in the innermost layer, and I agree with you there.  I just
>> want to try and get rid of the cruft of:
>> version(A)
>>    version = AorB;
>> version(B)
>>    version = AorB;
> I think I've been misunderstood here. I never intended one to actually
> use the "or" string in a version, my intent was that one determine just
> what the feature is that is AorB, and name the identifier that. For
> example:
> version (linux)
>       version = Pthreads;
> version (OSX)
>       version = Pthreads;
> version (Pthreads)
>       ...
> else version (Windows)
>       ...
> I don't consider that cruft, but very reasonable self-documentation.

This is still cruft.  I'd consider this to be more succinct and just as 
self documenting (as well as more maintainable, I no longer have to 
change the string Pthreads in multiple locations in the declaration of 

version(linux || OSX)
   version = Pthreads;


>> If you want to prove how much easier it is, actually split Hans' rat's
>> nest into multiple files how you would do it, and I'll show you that it
>> isn't any harder to maintain if you use ||.
> I already did port it once, many years ago, it's why I know how hard it
> is. Take a look at D's gc which uses personality modules. I ported that
> to the mac pretty easily and never touched the main code. I can't even
> figure out where the mac osx code is in the hbgc or what would need to
> be changed for it. I couldn't even figure out if the hbgc supported OSX
> or not.
> To sum up, I've done it both ways. The personality module method
> approach is head and shoulders the clear winner.

That's all fine, and I pretty much agree with you, but I think we are 
arguing apples and oranges.  In what way does using || in a version 
statement prevent or even discourage you from separating out your 
versions into modules based on platforms or personality?  It seems like a 
design preference that is orthogonal to this feature.

For instance, two developers quite easily translated the complicated C 
preprocessor example you gave into version statements for the *current* 
version system.  So it's still possible to have unmaintainable, 
unreadable code without || as a feature.

All I'm asking is to make this:

version(x || y)

turn into this:

   version = xory;
   version = xory;

automatically by the compiler.  I shouldn't have to do that bit of manual 


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