== Quote from Jarrett Billingsley (jarrett.billings...@gmail.com)'s article
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:07 AM, Christopher Wright <dhase...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > Saaa wrote:
> >>
> >> I always thought people who would need to reinstall their windows to keep
> >> it clean were like the ones that didn't know how computers works.
> >> I haven't reinstalled my windows box in like 6 years and it doesn't
> >> startup any slower then before.
> >> If only you keep to the simple things like: ccleaner, autoruns, program
> >> control (online armor) and noscript for firefox you should be able to keep
> >> it clean.
> >> The only thing I can't really be sure of are rootkits and alike but
> >> icesword and online scans at least give me the impression it is also ok on
> >> that part.
> >> btw. adware normaly doesn't really make your box start up any slower
> >
> > Wow, that seems like a lot of work.
> It's not.  It's actually quite simple to keep a clean Windows box.
> You _don't go to dangerous websites or download screensavers like the
> thousands of twits who don't understand computers or malware_.  I got
> my first virus in ten years of using Windows last December, and I
> don't have anything but a basic virus scanner.  It got in through an
> ad that took advantage of Acrobat Reader.
> Before that, I was running an install of XP that hadn't been modified
> for close to four years, which had run in two different computers.  My
> laptop is coming up on its four year mark as well.
> Surprising, no?  That when you know how to use computers, Windows
> _doesn't actually suck_!

Yeah, I've always wondered why some people put so much emphasis on the 10% of
computer security that's highly technical in nature when 90% of the problem of
computer security is between the keyboard and the chair.

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