Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:

> D1 has complete open sources now, submit patches, make it more 
> That's what people are actually doing.

>From dmd.2.029/dmd/src/dmd/backendlicense.txt

"The Software is copyrighted and comes with a single user license,
and may not be redistributed. If you wish to obtain a redistribution 
please contact Digital Mars."

This is not Open Source neither Free Software IMHO.

So D2, the "bleeding edge" which could be very interesting for 
development is not free software (at least backend)

I remember that an open backend is needed to port a compiler into 
other platforms (x86_64, armel, sparc, powerpc, ecc ecc)

Let's see D1. i don't see any "backend" (backend not released?) 
directory and in dmd.1.030/dmd/license.txt there is again:

"The Software is copyrighted and comes with a single user license,
and may not be redistributed. If you wish to obtain a redistribution 
please contact Digital Mars."

inside dmd/src/dmd there are gpl.txt and artistic.txt.

So dmd frontend is gplv1 (well, quite old version of gpl, but at least 
it's gpl!).

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