On 11/29/2012 3:31 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Well, then we're about to reach the point when it's ripe to do that, because
D1 is about to no longer be supported. With the beta for 2.061 (whenever that
happens), we can adjust how we do the beta process to properly use branches,
and then we can adjust how we deal with stable and development branches of D2
for future releases.

My thoughts, too.

BTW, just so everyone knows, I am currently in Melbourne at the YOW conference. It's the start of a 3 city tour, so I won't get home until Dec. 8. The hotel internet connection is not much more suitable than for email and newsgroups, and my travel laptop is not well suited for dev, so aside from my conference obligations I intend to be doing things like D articles, learning new stuff, and other back-and-fill work until then.

BTW, it's a great conference. There are a lot of freakin' smart people here, which always makes things a joy.

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