On Tuesday, 4 December 2012 at 12:30:29 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 December 2012 at 12:26:53 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-12-04 09:22, Maxim Fomin wrote:

And what happens if nobody implements an interface?

import std.stdio;

interface I { }

class A { }

void main()
   I i;
   // assume this is implicit
   Object o = cast(Object)i;

You get a segmentation fault since both "i" and "o" are null.

Safe conversion class to interface requires two conditions:
1a) that class implements interface
1b) if you try to use interface variable, it must be an allocated class

Safe conversion to Object requires:
2a) somebody in class hierarchy implements interface
2b) interface instance is actually allocated class instance

You cannot really get an instance of an interface without having a class implementing it. That is, without inserting any explicit casts, which works:

interface I { }

class A { }

void main()
   A a = new A;
   I i = cast(I) a;
   Object o = cast(Object)i;
   writeln(typeid(a)); // A

It is possible to check 1a) but impossible in general case to check 2a). Also the first is design feature while the second is design abuse.

I don't understand why it wouldn't be safe to allow implicit casts of interfaces to Object.

If I want to call toString, why should I need to insert an explicit cast to Object just because I have an interface?

If you want to call toSring, it should be part of the interface specification, as simple as that.

Interfaces are like contracts which state what is to be expected of a certain type.


Generally speaking you are right. But specifically regarding toString, what would you suggest?
Should each and every Interface have a toString method?
Should we have an IObject Interface that all classes are required to explicitly inherit? The purpose of having a root Object class is to define the _common interface of all objects_. Why else have such a class in the first place? Requiring an explicit cast to Object makes sense only in a no-single-root design such as the one in c++ which D sensibly chose not to copy.

We can have a separate debate what should the root Object define, but there should not be a requirement to explicitly cast any object to it.

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