On Monday, 10 December 2012 at 20:08:32 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/9/12 10:58 PM, Nick B wrote:
[about the Disruptor framework]
Would Andrei like to comment on any of the comments so far ??

Sorry, I'd need to acquire expertise in Disruptor before discussing it. I found http://disruptor.googlecode.com/files/Disruptor-1.0.pdf quite difficult to get into because it spends the first page stating how good Disruptor is, then the next 3 pages discussing unrelated generalities, to then start discussing implementation details still without really defining the pattern. I had to stop there.

Is there a more concise description of the pattern?



A couple of posts in there attempt to summarize what it is. One of them compares it against a few other strategies.


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