On Saturday, 15 December 2012 at 18:00:58 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 06:31:17PM +0100, RenatoUtsch wrote:
On Saturday, 15 December 2012 at 17:05:59 UTC, Peter Alexander
>On Saturday, 15 December 2012 at 16:55:39 UTC, Russel Winder
>>A quick straw poll. Do people prefer to have all sources >>compiled >>in a single compiler call, or (more like C++) separate >>compilation
>>of each object followed by a link call.
>Single compiler call is easier for small projects, but I worry
>about compile times for larger projects...

Yes, I'm writing a build system for D (that will be pretty damn
good, I think, it has some interesting new concepts), and compiling each source separately to an object, and then linking everything will allow easily to make the build parallel, dividing the sources to compile in various threads. Or the compiler already does that if
I pass all source files in one call?

I find that the current front-end (common to dmd, gdc, ldc) tends to work better when passed multiple source files at once. It tends to be faster, presumably because it only has to parse commonly-imported files once, and also produces smaller object/executable sizes -- maybe due to fewer duplicated template instantiations? I'm not sure of the exact reasons, but this behaviour appears consistent throughout dmd and gdc, and I presume also ldc (I didn't test that). So based on this, I'd lean
toward compiling multiple files at once.

Yeah, I did read about this somewhee.

However, in very large project, clearly this won't work very well. If it takes half an hour to build the entire system, it makes the code - compile - test cycle very slow, which reduces programmer productivity.

So perhaps one possible middle ground would be to link packages
separately, but compile all the sources within a single package at once. Presumably, if the project is properly organized, recompiling a single package won't take too long, and has the perk of optimizing for size within packages. This will probably also map to SCons easily, since
SCons builds per-directory.


Well, the idea is good. Small projects usually don't have much packages, so there will be just a few compiler calls. And compiling files concurrently will only have a meaningful efect if the project is large, and a large project will have a lot of packages.

Maybe adding an option to choose between compiling all sources at once, per package, or per source. For example, in development and debug builds the compilation is per file or package, but in release builds all sources are compiled at once, or various packages at once.

This way release builds will take advantage of this behavior that the frontend has, but developers won't have productivity issues. And, of couse, the behaviour will not be fixed, the devs that are using the build system will choose that.

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