On 12/16/2012 11:00 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Of course, that provide zero theoretical security, because anyone who's
desperate enough to reverse-engineer your library will do it even if
they only have the final executable. But the casual onlooker factor is
not to be dismissed when dealing with management types. So I contend
that precompiling to some kind of IR is of some practical value, even if
in theory it's not worth very much. (Yes decompilers and what-not will
always be there. That didn't stop Java developers from preferentially
shipping .class files vs. .java files. You can't stop the professionals,
but you can at least stop the petty thieves. This can be important to
some people.)

I don't care if some people delude themselves about the "security" of a binary version of the IR, but there's no way I'll represent D as offering such security. It's fraudulent to even pretend that such would.

.class files offer ZERO security. You can get a free tool off the internet to decompile them at the push of a button.

There are no tools to do that with object files.

There are legitimate arguments for a binary file. Obscurity is NOT one of them, and cannot be.

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