Am Fri, 04 Jan 2013 21:01:41 +0100
schrieb "Rob T" <>:

> On Friday, 4 January 2013 at 17:11:54 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
> > The more I think about it, staging really seems to be useful to 
> > avoid
> > some corner cases.
> I haven't had time to study the newly proposed process in enough 
> detail to properly comment, but it always seemed to me that you 
> cannot get away without a staging branch. You can try very hard 
> to do without, but it means something else will suffer for the 
> lack of it, so it seems you are coming to the same conclusion 
> which is good (unless I'm wrong).

Yep. As we have lost most attention in this thread(most people have
probably set "ignore this thread") we should check if we all agree on
the process as outlined on the updated wiki page (I've updated the
original page now) and improve it, if necessary, do some proof reading /
spell checking and then open a new thread, asking for comments from the
main devs.

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