Continuing with reversible ranges:

struct ForwardRange {

 BackwardRange reverse() { return BackwardRange( _end, _start ); }

struct BackwardRange {

 //guess what reverse is.

That would give the power to mimick bidirectional ranges (see post on popBack before)

Now, we still need a way to move one of those pointers to a given place to fulfill rfind:

auto rfind( R, E )( R r, E e ) if( isReversibleRange!R ) {
 auto original =; //For the end purpose;
auto found = find( r.reverse, e ); //found is reversed and starts on e. //What we want now is a range of type typeof( original ) starting on found but ending on original. Therefore, we need an additional primitive. Suggestion: jumpTo. return original.jumpTo( found ); //Keeps the ordering, only move the start.

struct ForwardRange {
void jumpTo( ForwardRange r )( _start = r._start; }
void jumpTo( BackwardRange r )( _start = r._start; }


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