On 2013-00-24 05:01, Nick Sabalausky <seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com> wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 22:59:38 +0100
"monarch_dodra" <monarchdo...@gmail.com> wrote:

IMO: We should be able to keep the optional parenthesis for all
functions (except maybe those that return delegates).

I'm not a fan of that as I think the need for special-casing of
functions returning delegates is not worth what I still don't see as a

Side note: I know at least one person here likes this [ ;) ], but I
really hate code like:


Have to do a double-take every time. Just looks like a bunch of
no-ops, and sets off mental red flags every single time.


I do understand Adam's view that foo.bar(10).baz(5) be allowed,
but that could be written with(foo){bar=10;baz=5}. Admittedly more
verbose, but also clearer.

On that topic, I occasionally do miss C#'s object initializers,
particularly because they could allow for immediate creation of many
const and immutable values.


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