On Thursday, January 24, 2013 07:20:22 monarch_dodra wrote:
> The irony here though is that "-property" enforces the opposite
> :/ (non-properties always have parens...)

-property is thoroughly broken. It was supposed to do strong property 
enforcement (never parens with properties and always parens with functions), 
but it doesn't. But not only does it not do strong enforcement right, it 
doesn't even do weak enforcement right, as weak enforcment would mean 
enforcing that property functions don't get called with parens but functions 
could be called either way. And of course it's buggy in how well it even 
enforces the part that it's currently trying to enforce.

Given the increasing sentiment against strong property enforcement (due in 
large part to UFCS), I'd expect that what we'll ultimately end up with is weak 
property enforcement, but -property obviously doesn't help with that at all. 
Much as I'd love to have strong property enforcement, -property really doesn't 
help us much at this point.

- Jonathan M Davis

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