Daniel Keep wrote:

BCS wrote:
Hello Brad,

My other problem with IDE's, such as eclipse, is that it's such an all
or nothing investment.  You can't really just use part of it.  You
must buy in to it's editor, it's interface with your SCM, it's
scriptures of indentation style, etc.  Trying to deviate from any of
it is such a large pain that it's just not worth it -- more so as the
team working on a project gets larger.
For VS, you might have a point. However for D, I use Descent and I
haven't found any of those to be a problem. Getting people to agree on
how to set it up I expect would be a bigger problem.

Actually, Descent isn't perfect, either.  For example, it mandates that
cases in a switch MUST be aligned with the braces.  What's more fun is
that you can't override it until AFTER it's corrected YOU.

Just file a ticket.

Oh, and how it indents multiline function calls is completely retarded.

And every time I try to autocomplete a templated function call, it
insists on inserting ALL of the template arguments, even when they're
supposed to be derived.

That's been fixed now: http://www.dsource.org/projects/descent/changeset/1344

Don't get me wrong, I quite like Descent.  But as soon as you try to
make a program "smart", you're going to start getting it wrong.


  -- Daniel

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