On Monday, 18 February 2013 at 14:47:19 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Agreed. But as long as D does not have a Garbage Collector that is as powerfull as the GC of the .NET 4 runtime you will be better of (performance wise) not using a GC at all when programming performance critical parts of game engines.

.NET's GC is really nice for games, as far as GCs go. Something like that would make a memory-managed D acceptable.

I'm happy for a @nogc D though, and in many ways it's a better option (and it's easier to make happen). This is what I need to consider D viable for me. Notify me when this is integrated into D! I think a lack of support for purely manual memory management in D is what causes a lot of C and C++ programmers to turn their nose up at it. It sure is a beautiful language and I'm excited to see it grow. Pure MMM could widen its appeal.

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