Am 18.02.2013 09:33, schrieb Nicholas Smith:
I'm interested in experimenting with game development in D, but the only
thing putting me off is D's heavy GC reliance, which at the moment is a
stop-the-world GC.

One of the biggest killers in game development is unreliable performance
and before I tread down the D path I'm interested in knowing just what
it is possible to do with the GC in D.

I'm not so knowledgable in the theory behind GCs but I know that in
natively compiled languages your options are much more limited. I found
CDGC as an apparently abandoned attempt at a concurrent GC (which also
uses fork(), but the way Windows is going I'm caring less and less about
them anyway).

So, how good can D's GC get?

I wen't down this path already and I ended up not using the GC at all:

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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