* std.bind: eliminate?

Unneeded, because D2 has real closures. (That modules still make a lot of sense in D1, but now it's only a collection of awkward template hacks.)

* std.metastrings: I hate the name. Merge into std.string using ctfe

Sounds like fun. I hope you'll provide Walter with suggestions how to improve CTFE while fighting with it.

* std.mmfile: integrate with the garbage collector. It should be there.

Why should the GC know about it?

* std.outbuffer: I think this shouldn't be a class and shouldn't have that name.

I found this class to be absolutely useless. And there isn't even std.inbuffer! One of the crappier parts of Phobos.

* std.signals: I don't know much. A review wouldn't hurt.

Crap. Who uses that?

* std.cstream, std.stream: eliminate.

Of course not without replacement?

* std.variant: add dynamic method invocation capabilities

Sounds hot.

* std.xml: replace with something that moves faster than molasses.
* std.zip: rewrite
> * std.socket, std.socketstream: We need a real networking library.
> * std.md5: we should add more such encryption devices.
> * std.base64: doesn't deserve a separate module
> * std.conv: define operations to stream data out and in in binary and
> text formats.

How about giving these up to Tango? The only problem is, it has not been ported to D2 yet.

PS: Anyone knows how to make Thunderbird not insert spaces before a '>' on the start of a line?

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