On 4/17/13 3:58 AM, deadalnix wrote:
Note that this is consistent with many choice D made.

auto is a storage class. storage class usually stick to the function,
not the return type :
const Foo bar(); // Error as const qualify bar and not Foo.

auto is about type inference. Attribute is part of the function type as
much as it return type, and so it is expected that auto applied to a
function infer its attributes and its return type.

The problem you are talking about is very real, but much broader than
this auto thing. The problem is that you have no control on what the
storage classes bind on.

Examples :
extern(C) void function() foo; // does extern binds to foo, foo's type
or both ?
pure function() function() bar; // is bar a pure function ? is bar()
pure ? Noth ? How to choose ?

Back to the subject, if auto bind to the function it must infers
attributes, if it binds to the return type, it mustn't. And right now,
storage class bind to the function.

I think this is a solid argument. You may want to paste it in the github discussion for reference.


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