
I've finally gotten round to upgrading my DMD to v2.062 (from v2.059) - running on Win XP.

I've had no issues recompiling the (quite old) DFL library I use with the latest DMD, so went on to rebuild a tool I previously developed (that uses DFL). Everything compiled ok, but the linker choked on my RES file. (This project build fine and worked perfectly on previous versions of DMD up to and including v2.059). The error is:

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
atrchecker.RES(3) : Error 52: .DEF Syntax Error


I am sure that the "D0" and "^" is suppose to indicate the position of the error, but is pretty useless in this case.

I've googled on ".DEF Syntax Error" and, according to http://www.digitalmars.com/ctg/OptlinkErrorMessages.html, this indicates a "An invalid .def file syntax could not be parsed. ", which does not help much at all.

I am pretty confident though that it is not a DEF file issue since I am building a EXE (no DEF should be required). The Tool also builds fine if I remove the RES file from the project.

Googling on "Error 52" bought up nothing substantial either.

The RC file for the RES file is extremely simple:

101 ICON DISCARDABLE ".\\Resources\\scope4.ico"

205 BITMAP DISCARDABLE ".\\Resources\\SomeBitmap.bmp"

   3001 "....some string!....."

I've tried compiling the RC file with both the MS as well as the DM resource compiler:

For DM:
rcc -32 atrchecker.rc

For MS:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\rc" /r /v atrchecker.rc

The symptoms are exactly the same in both cases.

I can open the RES file with any number of resource editors (including Visual Studio and XN Resource Editor) and they all display the relevant BMPs and ICOs without errors.

Any ideas?


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