On Monday, 22 April 2013 at 17:51:26 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 22.04.2013 14:02, Ettienne Gilbert wrote:

I've finally gotten round to upgrading my DMD to v2.062 (from v2.059) -
running on Win XP.

I've had no issues recompiling the (quite old) DFL library I use with the latest DMD, so went on to rebuild a tool I previously developed (that uses DFL). Everything compiled ok, but the linker choked on my RES file. (This project build fine and worked perfectly on previous versions
of DMD up to and including v2.059). The error is:

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
atrchecker.RES(3) : Error 52: .DEF Syntax Error

I suspect your build script has somehow omitted a ',' from the command line in its invocation of optlink. The usage is

LINK obj[,out[,map[,lib[,def[,res]]]]]

so if a comma misses, your resource file is interpreted as a def file.

If you are invoking the linker through dmd, you might want to check the linker call by adding "-v" to the command line.

Hi Rainer,

I am actually using Visual-D (v0.3.35), so I've tested your idea by copying + pasting from .\Debug\<ProjectName>.buildlog.html into a batch file - and then building using this batch file rather than Visual-D.

And your hunch was spot on! If I modify the the linker invocation with an extra comma (i.e. as in ... "C:\dmd2\windows\lib\",,atrchecker.RES/NOMAP/CO/NOI /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS ..) it builds fine; without the extra comma it fails with the same error as before.

I suppose this is then a Visual-D issue and not a DMD linker issue, right?


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