On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Saaa <em...@needmail.com> wrote:
>> Have a look at std2.  It's a backporting of some features of Phobos 2,
>> including some of the new std.conv, to D1:
>> http://www.dsource.org/projects/std2
> Looks nice!
> Why can't this be in official Phobos1?
> It's a ploy from the D2 camp, right?

If by "ploy" you mean "Walter's official stance not to change D1 or
Phobos 1," then yes, it's a ploy.  But that's a bit harsh, no?

Also, if you need the Phobos docs from 2.008, just download the 2.008
DMD zip.  They're in there.

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