Don Wrote:

> Saaa wrote:
> >> Why can't this be in official Phobos1?
> >> It's a ploy from the D2 camp, right? :)
> > 
> >> If by "ploy" you mean "Walter's official stance not to change D1 or
> >> Phobos 1," then yes, it's a ploy.  But that's a bit harsh, no?
> >  I fixed it to how I meant it.
> > 
> > But I do find it a tad strange.
> > What disadvantage is there? Additional bugs maybe..
> > Sorry, this is probably a very old and closed discussion :)
> I'm not sure that it's closed. Things generally cannot be removed from 
> D1 phobos. And as long as D2 Phobos is in flux, porting D2 to D1 would 
> be a problem -- D1 has to be stable, it can't have something added to it 
> which is an unstable work-in-progress. The question of whether a stable 
> part of Phobos D2 could be backported to Phobos1 is I think still open.

I would be surprised to see a D2 Phobos officially ported to and distributed 
with D1. I think someone has done a partial port already.

Given the upcoming finalizetion of D2 it'd be great to see if there could be 
some reflection on lessons learned from D1. There's a fine line between stable 
and stale.

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