On Sunday, 12 May 2013 at 03:58:04 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
The nicest thing of all, IMO, about not strictly needing all that
support software is that basic things like
editing/navigating/opening/closing code is always and forever 100% unobstructed by things like startup delays and keyboard input lag which have no business existing on the rocket-engined supercomputers we now
call "a PC".

I'm using a little known IDE for D known as Poseidon:
it is very fast, loads very quickly, and the editor is very responsive. The keyword autocompletion is mostly broken in D2 but I can live without it. It is a bit sad that it has gone unmantained for more than a year.

These are the things that I cannot live without for my big D2 project:
    - Syntax highlighting.
- Tree like structure for navigating all the many source files of my project.
    - Search in multiple files.
- Debugging (breakpoints, step by step, go to line that crashed). It suprisingly still works in Poseidon.
    - Can go to file/line when double-clicking on compiler error.
    - Compile/run/debug just by hitting SHIFT-F5, and other keys.
- No need for a makefile. It feeds all source files (hundreds) and libraries to dmd.

For smaller D projects I use Vim/makefiles though.

Again, I'm a bit sad that it has gone unmantained for so long, but it's totally usable still. This is the faster IDE that I've found.


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