On 05/13/2013 10:19 AM, Dmitry S wrote:
> I know some folks who use Sublime Text and love it.
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:
>> On 2013-05-12 21:31, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>  Looks interesting. Now that you mention it, I do seem to recall hearing
>>> about it back then. Personally, I've been a huge fan of Programmer's
>>> Notepad 2 <http://www.pnotepad.org/>. My #1 complaint about it though
>>> is that it's Windows-only. I want to switch to Linux for my primary
>>> system, but the lack of PN2 is one of the roadblocks (there are other
>>> roadblocks, though).
>> Take a look at Sublime Text. It's ridicules fast and cross platform. The
>> only problem is that it's not free. You can download it for free and
>> dismiss a dialog popping up once in a while.
>> http://www.sublimetext.com/
>>  But these days I prefer RDMD-style approaches ("pass the one main
>>> source file to a cmdline tool and it figures out the rest") because
>>> they're trivially scriptable and don't cause a specific editor (or any
>>> editor at all) to become a build requirement. I find that especially
>>> important for OSS and cross-platform projects.
>> The problem here is when you need to use a couple of compiler switches.
>> You need a file to put that in, usually a shell script. Unfortunately that
>> doesn't work on Windows. So you need to duplicate that file for Windows.
>> --
>> /Jacob Carlborg

It's really nice, even with the nagware, which isn't even that bad. It
only pops up something like every 50 times you save. Even better, it has
built in support for Makefiles within a project, and it's fairly
straightforward to work with other build systems. (I have a simple DUB
one working)

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