On Mon, 20 May 2013 18:04:10 -0700, Nick Sabalausky <seewebsitetocontac...@semitwist.com> wrote:

On Mon, 20 May 2013 15:54:10 -0700
"Adam Wilson" <flybo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Very few actual users care about changing the behavior of the
widgets. Most people who want to change them just want to skin them.

One standard deviation is all that ever matters. Everyone else can and
should just go fuck off. It's their own goddamn fault anyway for being
such a bunch of unreasonable jackasses. Fuck 'em, nobody cares about
them anyway, especially since we all know perfectly well they're just a
bunch of fat unshowered virgin slobs living in their parent's basement
and jerking to "7 of 9".


Or, of course, we could just go with the classic favorite: "It's just

So the basic premise of the argument is that if we can't make everyone happy we shouldn't do anything at all? Let me pose you this question. If a piece of software did something for you that you absolutely had to do and nothing else did, but had a non-native widget UI, would you use that piece of software?

Most people, even the prideful ones, would just use it, because not using the software is worse than the UI decisions by the designer.

Also, mobile, particularly WinRT, but also Android, do not enforce a look, in fact Android enshrines the idea of many different looks for widgets, my S3 is NOT the vanilla Android look. Only iOS enforces a "look" but it's still overridable. And WinRT doesn't even have the concept of OS enforced widgets looks, all it has a default style.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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