I'm a bit confused as to how the DMD buildbot is supposed to work: it seems like 50% of the time (ballparked from the first 15 or so pull requests), the buildbot just doesn't report failures or successes. This bugs (heh) me a little bit because there are tons of months old pull requests just waiting in the pipeline, stuck at "Determining merge status". I don't know if this is part of the review process or caused by the yellow status, but for instance I've opened up a bug report a week or so prior:
and a few days afterwards, a pull request was submitted:
which, turns out, was more or less a dup of another pull request, submitted 6 months ago:

However, neither of these pull requests have been merged. And neither of the bugs have been fixed (my report was a dup of http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2950, submitted 4 years ago!).

So we're stuck with a buildbot system that leaves valuable pull requests from ever getting merged, and duplicate fixes being written because previous fixes were submitted and never accepted so long ago.

On a somewhat related note: Why is the Puremagic bugtracker still used, when Github has bug tracking with (IMO) better repo integration, discussion, and searching (which I think we can all agree on), on a repository *hosted at Github*? I can understand the reluctance to switch over, but what's keeping us from accepting new issues on Github, closing Puremagic down from accepting new requests, and working through the open requests on Puremagic until all can be taken care of have been?

Thanks for your time,
Dylan Knutson

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