On 6/4/13 12:52 AM, Robert wrote:
On Mon, 2013-06-03 at 16:39 +0200, Dylan Knutson wrote:
On a side note, there are a few (lots) of pull requests that are
several months old, and master has changed too much for them to
be compatible and/or relevant. Perhaps those should just be

I have an open pull request which is already months old and no longer
compatible to master. This is because I have not received any feedback
since submission. It does not mean that it is irrelevant or that I am
not willing to make it compatible again as soon as any reviewer has time
for a review.

So it has to be there, if not for anything else than just for for the
sake of being there and being seen:
  - So that no-one else implements the same thing again for no reason
  - Maintainers know that there is something they need to take care of at
some point.

Pull requests should be closed by maintainers if the pull request won't
get accepted even if improved quality wise or if the submitter is no
longer available for making it ready, but not just because they are old.

Best regards,


Essentially, the submitter of the pull request needs to drive the change. The submission rate exceeds the attention span of the set of people with review and pull rights. So old stuff remains old unless brought up periodically. This tends to be the case with every large project.

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