On Tuesday, 4 June 2013 at 17:47:36 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 09:52:57 Robert wrote:
Pull requests should be closed by maintainers if the pull request won't get accepted even if improved quality wise or if the submitter is no longer available for making it ready, but not just because they are old.

I think that the problem is more that the Phobos maintainers are busy and don't necessarily do a good job as a group of reviewing pull requests in general, let alone making sure that each and every pull request gets reviewed and processed in a reasonable time frame. It's something that we need to work on. I think that it's rarely the case that a particular pull request has no comments on it because it's undesirable. It just hasn't been looked at yet like it should have been yet. If it were truly undesirable, it would at
minimum have comments saying so if not have been closed.

- Jonathan M Davis

Truth. I've had a pull closed in less than an hour once. On the other hand, I have one which has been open for about 7 months now.

It's all a balance of importance vs resource/cost ratio, and reviewer interest. I've closed a few of my own ("valid") pulls myself: they weren't bad, just that I judge reviewer times would be better spent on more important things.

It's a bit frustrating at times, but I find it more than balances when you realize that you actually *get* to participate at all, or even partake in specs discussion...

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