On 6/15/2013 8:25 PM, "Dawid Ciężarkiewicz" <d...@ucore.info>" wrote:
Each time I fell the urge to play with D in the free time and want to test
newest, coolest features and projects written in D, I am constantly hitting some
Linux-related issues. Library incompatibilities, path incompatibilities.

Unfortunately, general comments like this are not actionable. Alternatively,

"I keep running into Bugzilla issues nnnn, nnnn, nnnn, and nnnn, which impair my usage of D on Linux."

gives us something to work with. If you run into issues and do not file them on Bugzilla, please do so. Otherwise, odds are pretty good they will never be fixed, or if they are fixed you'll never be notified, or if they are user errors rather than actual bugs, nobody can help you with them.

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