On Sunday, 16 June 2013 at 23:43:15 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:

I am a fedora packager and i put some D into official fedora repo
 - derelict  version 3
 - dsqlite   a tiny wrapper
 - dustmite  to debug
 - gl3n      to works with vectors and 3D
 - glfw      to use it  with derelict 3
 - gtkd      to use gtk in D
 - ldc       to build D code
 - tango     to use tango and miscellaneus feature
 - syntastic to use gvim

You see linux has some love at least into fedora the bleeding edge distro :-)

Well, not **the** bleeding edge distro. I'm on Arch, which has some very good D support: derelict, GDC & gl3n in AUR, DMD and LDC in official repos.

Anyway, used to be on Fedora and I also loved the D support. Most Debian-based distros seem to be a bit behind the times for D support. Perhaps there aren't a lot of D users on Debian Sid? I haven't ever had a good experience with D on Debian and I usually end up recompiling from source.

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