On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 04:52:13 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 20:33:26 UTC, TommiT wrote:
Apparently I'm correct with my initial assertion after all, but only as it relates to implicit conversion from static to dynamic arrays. Let me start this thread again by using my initial opening statement:

This is a pretty big delta between C++ and D. It's going to surprise everybody coming from C++, especially when it says in TDPL (page 140) that: "However, having the language attempt combinatorially at the same time implicit conversions and type deduction is a dicey proposition in the general case, so D does not attempt to do all that".

"at the same time implicit conversions and type deduction"

Quoted comment from TDPL is related to template:

T[] find(T)(T[] haystack, T needle)

which means that base type of T[] and T must match.

Yes, you are right in that the quote from TDPL refers to that specific function signature and is saying that the base type of T[] and T must match. But more generally, that quote is also saying that D doesn't try to do implicit conversion and type deduction at the same time for type-parameterized runtime arguments. In other words, the quote is saying: the type of the argument you pass to a templated function must match exactly to the templated type that the function template is expecting for that particular argument. That is: no implicit conversion happens to your variable before it is passed to the function as a runtime argument whose type is parameterized by the function.

On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 04:52:13 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 20:33:26 UTC, TommiT wrote:
Now, here's a new example:

void foo(T)(T[] slice) { }

void main()
   int[10] arr;

and this template has single argument.

But that's not relevant as I explained above.

On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 04:52:13 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 20:33:26 UTC, TommiT wrote:
See what I mean? int[10] is a distinct type from int[], so an implicit conversion must happen before 'arr' is passed to 'foo'. Implicit conversions never happen for arguments passed to templated functions in C++ (and neither in D according to that quote from TDPL above).

Surprise, following implicit conversions are happen all over the D.
- pointer type to void type;
- derived class to base class;
- static array to dynamic array;
- class implementator to interface;
- enum to base type;
- base type to aliased type;
- ... and much more.

Okay, my wording was not the best possible there. I can see that what I wrote could be misinterpreted. I was _not_ saying that C++ doesn't do implicit conversions all over the place (or that D doesn't). Actually, C++ probably does more implicit conversions than D does. I was just saying that implicit conversion never happens in C++ for a variable that is passed to a function as an argument whose type is fully or partly parameterized by that function. And this is a big difference between the two languages which should be emphasised somewhere in the documentation and that quote should be fixed in the next edition of TDPL.

On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 04:52:13 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 July 2013 at 20:33:26 UTC, TommiT wrote:
And I'll just finish with my initial closing argument:
This difference between D and C++ should be noted somewhere in the documentation with big red letters.

Initial closing argument is based on incorrect understanding of the quote. Instead of comparing C++ and D it is better to read carefully spec and TDPL.

Perhaps Andrei could tell us what that quote means. Or perhaps you could show me the part of the spec which I should have read more carefully.

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