On Thursday, 4 July 2013 at 09:24:53 UTC, TommiT wrote:

Yes, you are right in that the quote from TDPL refers to that specific function signature and is saying that the base type of T[] and T must match. But more generally, that quote is also saying that D doesn't try to do implicit conversion and type deduction at the same time for type-parameterized runtime arguments. In other words, the quote is saying: the type of the argument you pass to a templated function must match exactly to the templated type that the function template is expecting for that particular argument. That is: no implicit conversion happens to your variable before it is passed to the function as a runtime argument whose type is parameterized by the function.

You heavily misunderstoond the topic. The issue here is that in

T[] find(T)(T[] haystack, T needle)

type of neendle should correspond to base type of haystack. If there is a contradiction ("at the same time implicit conversions and type deduction"), dmd issues error. But here

void foo(T)(T[] slice) { }

base type of slice is not tied to any other parameters. Actually if you pass integer static array, dmd deduces T to be int, then template instantiation part is done. After that static array is casted to slice as what happens with non-template function (internally dmd treats it like foo(cast(int[])arr)). Other your comments are based on this misunderstanding.

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