On Monday, 8 July 2013 at 18:37:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/8/2013 6:31 AM, Dicebot wrote:
Well, second one is not really a scientific problem, it is a philosophical one. Self-awareness is a very vague term with a lot of space for personal
interpretation. I don't even think it is worth speaking about.

If you consider that our brains evolved, and self-awareness was a result of evolution, then self-awareness presumably offers some sort of survival benefit.

Not necessarily. If the change is neutral, it can still develop in some species. Arguably, as our brain consume 20% of our energy, this is highly likely that it has benefit, so you still have a point.

Following that line of reasoning, self-awareness becomes a real phenomenon with a scientific basis.

How is it defined in science ? The concept seems hard to define in proper ways to me.

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