I just watched Andrei's *Quo Vadis *talk from this year's DConf and I liked
it a lot. I strongly agreed with his notion that the D community needs to
embrace "operational professionalism"; I've been thinking along those same
lines for months and it's the one thing that the D community really, *really
* needs to work on. I've been a huge fan of the D language ever since I
read TDPL ~a year ago. IMO it's the most amazing language I've ever used,
and I've used far too many.

I don't normally participate on the D mailing lists (I lurk often though),
but my conscience was gnawing at me to send this email. It's a bit long, so
bear with me.

So, Andrei also mentioned how the community needs to improve the
dlang.orgsite and make it a first-class priority. It's the point of
contact for
newcomers so it's very important we get it right. Since I know a
thing-or-two about web development, I decided to look into improving the

There's some low-hanging fruit with the site that shouldn't be too hard to
fix: there's an incredibly annoying "content flash" after any page is
loaded (it loads fine, you see the text, then the text disappears for a
second, then appears again). I've cursed at this more than a dozen times;
it's especially annoying on any mobile browser.

For a site that's just static content it also takes a long time to load.
Inexcusably long TBH. The PageSpeed analyzer puts the load time at ~7
seconds for a big page from the library
In my personal experience there's no good reason why any 100% static site
should take more than 1s to load on a fast desktop machine, and often you
can get it to 0.5s with a bit more work. If it's loading in more than 1s,
then something is being done in a sub-optimal way. But that's not
surprising because building a site so that it loads optimally takes a fair
bit of doing and a large amount of domain knowledge.

So I decided to work on it a bit. Here's a blow-by-blow description of my
attempts to do so. All of this happens over the course of a few hours.

   1. Run the site through the PageSpeed analyzer and realize there's lots
   of low-hanging fruit. I can fix all of those and make the site faster,
   2. Looking at the Network data in the Chrome DevTools, realize the site
   isn't using a CDN. Make a note of mentioning this to the site maintainers;
   using a CDN is critical to performance and ever since CloudFlare came on
   the scene (fast & free CDN that's also trivial to set up) there's no excuse
   not to use one.
   3. Record a Timeline profile of the site's loading process in the Chrome
   DevTools. Study the profile and realize there's quite a bit extra reflow
   and repaint going on. Those should be addressed as well.
   4. Record a JavaScript profile of the site with the DevTools JS profiler
   and the new Flame view. With this information and the Timeline profile,
   realize that hypenate.js is probably the culprit of the content flash bug.
   Still have to verify this, it might be something else.
   5. Notice the site's homepage is throwing JS exceptions; that will need
   to be fixed as well. OK, time to checkout the site repo and make changes.
   6. Go to the D-Programming-Language/dlang.org github repo page.
   7. Wait, where's the README? No README? What? How do I make heads or
   tails of this thing?
   8. Oh God, the site is written in ddoc. Dear God *why*? Whatever, I'm
   not trying to change the content, just the framework that delivers the
   content. Complaining about the choice of markup language used for the
   content is not a fight worth fighting and the discussion would probably not
   be productive.
   9. Spend X minutes trying to figure out how to build the site. Find
   "wind32.mak". Sigh. I use Mac OS X and Linux.
   10. Search for "unix", "linux" and "makefile" in Chrome on the repo
   site. Nothing useful. Is there no way to build this site on a unix machine?
   11. Notice there are several outstanding pull requests. Look through
   them to figure out if there's any useful information there.
   12. Through nothing but sheer luck, notice a pull request that makes
   changes to "posix.mak". Ah, so there's an important file I missed. An ~hour
   down the drain because there was no README and I very easily could have not
   even found the relevant file.
   13. It appears that the makefile assumes the repo checkout needs to be
   performed inside of a specific folder structure that has other repositories
   already checked out. Great, so the build is not hermetic. Is continuing to
   try to make this work going to be worth my time? Let's look at how the
   project handles pull requests.
   14. Notice that there are several pull requests that have been waiting
   for a response for weeks and months. So even if I figure everything out
   (probably not too complicated from this point forward) and successfully
   make the relevant changes, my pull requests would probably languish
   unattended for a very long time.
   15. Conclude that this is not worth my time. "Meh, someone else will fix
   the site."

That last point was several hours ago. Since then my conscience has forced
me to at least point out the issues I encountered so that project leaders
might do something about it so that possible future contributors don't have
to go through the same painful process.

Criticism that's not constructive is not useful. So here's several
actionable items for the project leaders:

   - Prompt response to pull requests from outsiders is of the utmost
   importance. Response latency of anything more than a few days sends the
   signal that the community doesn't care about external contributions. To
   paraphrase Andrei, "if you want to be an OSS project with many
   contributors, do what projects with many contributors do". This entails
   promptly responding to external developers. Huge and successful projects
   like Ruby on Rails and Twitter Bootstrap can afford to have a high response
   latency because they have countless thousands of people trying to
   contribute to them. Causing those contributors some pain is not going to
   materially impact the success of the project (IMO of course they still
   shouldn't do this, but they can afford to). D is not there yet and should
   go out of its way to facilitate ease of contribution.
   - Good, up-to-date developer documentation is necessary if you want
   others to contribute. People can't make changes if they can't easily build
   the project. Sure, determined people could figure it out after a while even
   without the docs, but these roadblocks on the road of success don't help
   the project and are discouraging to outsiders. All of the
   "D-Programming-Language" repos on GitHub should at the very least have a
   README file that points newcomers in the right direction and answers the
   most basic questions they might have.
   - The issue tracker for the dlang.org repo has been turned off. I now
   realize that this is probably because the D community uses their bugzilla
   tracker and wants issues reported there, but nothing on the
dlang.orgrepo page says this. There are no docs that say "hey use this
   tracker to report issues". Nothing on the dmd repo page says this either.

I hope I have been constructive with my suggestions and that some of them
will be acted upon.

Wow, this ended up being far too long.

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