On Sunday, 14 July 2013 at 20:19:06 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-07-14 14:34, bearophile wrote:

Do you like this? It's made with Python:

Ddoc in it self is not that bad, for documenting code. It's just that I would never create a web site using it. I would go with a server side script. I prefer Ruby on Rails for that.

There is absolutely nothing that Ruby, PHP or anything else would
buy us at this point. It would be just killing fly with the

If someone is super stubborn to change DDOC for something
dynamically generated then PHP is available on DMD server.

The biggest issues with dlang.org are (basing on YSlow):
- Lack of compression of HTML, CSS and JS content.
     There are 7 plain text components that should be sent


- Most of the java-script being included in header instead of
   That is also partially my fault, but I just went with flow back
- No expire headers
- Lack of CDN

Other things that YSlow points out that may be important:
- There are 13 components with misconfigured ETags
- This page has 10 external Javascript scripts. Try combining
them into one.
- This page has 4 external stylesheets. Try combining them into

I've done tests few months ago because people where complaining
about JavaScript and (wrongly) blamed run-able examples for this.

Hyphenate.js indeed has an impact on load times and removing it
in favor of CSS3 would fix the problem. Of course there is
probability that people with '90s browsers will complain (stares
at Nick ;>) but it is their choice to stick with such outdated

Damian Ziemba

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