On 7/14/2013 2:18 PM, Val Markovic wrote:
I pointed out three things that I thought should be addressed to ease the use of
contributing to the dlang.org <http://dlang.org> site (and other D-project
components), and those three things were: a) lower response latency on pull
requests, b) better documentation of the component "plumbings", specifically how
to build the dlang.org <http://dlang.org> website and c) README files in all the
D-project repos with answers to common questions outside developers might have,
like "where do I report bugs?".

I agree with your three points. I'll add that anyone can do a pull request to address any/all of these.

The discussion here goes on to debate the pros and cons of ddoc which is
/explicitly/ something I mentioned as "not worth fighting over".

Sure, but I wanted to address the comments that it was "madness" to and "no idea" why to use ddoc. Yes, it's come up before.

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