If you think it is difficult to persuade Walter to adopt your latest idea for 
improved syntax or new language features -- try getting a change into Java.

JavaOne 2009 is just concluded. The Java community is moving toward release of 
JDK 7. It's overdue and underwhelming. Project Coin 
(http://openjdk.java.net/projects/coin/) exists "to determine what set of small 
language changes should be added to JDK 7". Joe Darcy 
(http://blogs.sun.com/darcy/) is the lead on Project Coin. He has posted the 
slides for his presentation at JavaOne: 

A couple of quick impressions:

1. The list of changes is small and shrinking. Only five will make the cut.

2. Many of the requested syntax changes already exist in D. (Of course.)

3. He explains (repeatedly) the amount of work required to make a "small" 
change. This is the primary justification for the shortness of the list.

4. His stance with regard to changes is this: Don't explain why a change 
shouldn't be kept out ("It's trivial.", "Everybody does it.", "It's 
intuitive."), but rather why it should be put in. Give a clear statement of 
what's proposed, how to implement it, and a list of reasons why it should be 

There are some lessons for us there, I think. (I don't mean to criticize anyone 
or any suggestions that have been made. Just to point out some of the things we 
all ought to consider. And to remind us that having a forum where we can 
discuss changes and have them considered by a lot of intelligent, interested 
people is a rare thing.)



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