Paul D. Anderson:
> 1. The list of changes is small and shrinking. Only five will make
> the cut.

It's a very small list. So I ask myself why they have chosen some of the few 
things thay have chosen.

One of those five precios things is the "Elvis" operator:
Exp1 ?: Exp2

That means:
If Exp1 is non-null, use that, otherwise evaluate and use Exp2

Adding it to D looks easy, but is such operator so important to be in the list 
of the only 5 things to add? I don't currently feel the need of it.

> 2. Many of the requested syntax changes already exist in D. (Of course.)<

Some people have asked for invokedynamic, that is already present in C#4 in a 
different form.
We'll not see that soon in D.


This is a nice thing they have added:
Annotations on types: enable pluggable type systems like null-checkers
"Preventing Bugs with Pluggable Type Checking", (TS-3798) Michael Ernst, Today, 

But there's a better solution for this problem, that I hope to see into the D 
typesystem someday (and sooner the better, because it requires a significant 
change in how the D2 language is used and written).


Andrei Alexandrescu:

>what can we do about the feature on slide 33?<

You are talking about catching more than an exception in the same catch(), 
discussed here (it also has improved checking for rethrown exceptions):

This is useful and handy, but I think it's not an essential feature, there are 
more important things to think&discuss about (like a type system where object 
references are non-null by default, and able to avoid most null exceptions in 

They propose:

try {
} catch (final Except1 | Except2 ex) {
    throw ex;

They also say:
>To avoid the need to add support for general disjunctive types, but leaving 
>open the possibility of a future extension along these lines, a catch 
>parameter whose type has more than one disjunct is required to be declared * 

(Very recently they have fixed the Python syntax to allow a tidier catch of 
multiple exceptions, but the syntax is not compatible to D, so I don't show it 

But using a comma in some way is better than a bitwise or. A possible D syntax:

import std.stdio: writefln;

class Except1 : Exception {
    this() { super(; }
class Except2 : Exception {
    this() { super(; }

void main() {
    try {
        throw new Except2();
    } catch (Except1, Except2 ex) {

I don't like that syntax because the list of exceptions before "ex" isn't a 
gestalt separated enough from "ex".

A possible alternative:
} catch ([Except1, Except2] ex) {


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