On 07/30/2013 02:00 PM, Wyatt wrote:
On Tuesday, 30 July 2013 at 16:18:38 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Anybody gets a timeout in hyphenate.js [..]

Yeah. I've seen it. Even though it's supposed to be disabled for
Firefox. I'm waiting eagerly for this pull request to get merged so we
can end this farce:

Seems like Andrei is dragging his feet over a fetish that only he cares about. Personally, I find hyphenation as a hindrance to readability, unless I'm reading a newspaper column. Maybe it's useful for mobile, but not if it degrades speed or does crap like flashing the page.

By the way, the worst idea I've seen is to do hyphenation statically on the server side. How does the server know in advance how wide my browser window is or the text size? It can't. It's the client's job to flow the text.

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