>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:56 AM, BCS<n...@anon.com> wrote:
>>> Hello steel,
>>> build tools: ??? haven't followed that much. I use a command prompt
>>> for simple stuff and for the rest I need make.
you: dmd main.d
 me: bud main

you: dmd main.d foo.d
 me: bud main

you: dmd main.d foo.d and.d lots.d of.d other.d stuff.d
 me: bud main

you: 90% of the time that I need more than that, I'm
     getting into non D build steps so nothing short
     of a fully general system able to run arbitrary
     command will cut it.
 me: bud main


Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell

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