Derek Parnell wrote:
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:10:10 +0200, Don wrote:

Derek Parnell wrote:
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:56 AM, BCS<> wrote:

Hello steel,

build tools: ??? haven't followed that much. I use a command prompt
for simple stuff and for the rest I need make.

you: dmd main.d
 me: bud main

you: dmd main.d foo.d
 me: bud main

you: dmd main.d foo.d and.d lots.d of.d other.d stuff.d
 me: bud main

you: 90% of the time that I need more than that, I'm
     getting into non D build steps so nothing short
     of a fully general system able to run arbitrary
     command will cut it.
 me: bud main


Mate, I wish you'd update bud so that it reads imports that are inside version statements.

version(D_InlineAsm_X86) {
   import asmstuff;

That's the only thing I've ever found missing from bud.

That's a bug ... it is supposed to do that. Thanks for the report.

That'd be great! Actually the case that fails is slightly more complex.
Code taken from Tango (the code itself is a workaround for GDC). I'd really like to remove it from Tango:

version(D_InlineAsm_X86) {
    version = Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86;
version(Naked_D_InlineAsm_X86) {
private import tango.math.internal.BignumX86;

version(build){// bud/build won't link properly without this.
    static import tango.math.internal.BignumX86;

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