On 8/12/2013 6:27 AM, Dicebot wrote:

Thank you, Jacob. It looks like you've put a lot of nice work into this.

I've perused the documentation, and all I can think of is "What's a cubit?"


I.e. there are 9 documentation pages of details. There's no obvious place to start, no overview, no explanation of what serialization is for and why I might want to use it and what's great about this implementation. At least none that I could find. Also needs some non-trivial canonical example code.

Something that answers who what where when why and how would be immensely 

Some nits:


Something went horribly wrong here:
Exception exception the exception exception to wrap


Lacks an illuminating example.


When would I use a struct Array or a struct Slice?


struct attribute should be capitalized. When would I use an attribute? Does this have anything to do with User Defined Attributes? Need a canonical example.


Aren't interfaces already abstract? I.e. abstract is redundant. The documentation defines an archive more or less as an archive. I still don't know what an archive is. (E.g. a zip file is an archive - can this create zip files?)

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